My Unity game is currently on version 2022.2.2, targeting Android API 33. The Google Play Store is warning me that my game will be taken down in 21 days if I don’t resolve these dependency issues.
I need to upgrade Google Billing to version 6.0.1 and target API level 34. I am only using Google Billing as a transitive dependency through Unity’s In-App Purchasing (About Unity IAP | In App Purchasing | 4.9.4). I need to update my in-app purchases to ensure my app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher.
To resolve these issues:
- I upgraded the In-App Purchasing package to version 4.12.0 (as per the documentation, to support version 6.0).
- I changed the API target version to 34.
However, I am running into various issues with my game crashing once it is deployed to my device. I assume this is a dependency issue with the Unity version, Android API target, and In-App Purchasing. I am also using the IronSource mediation adapter version 7.3.0, which uses the Gradle plugin version 7.2.
Can someone guide me or point me towards the correct versions I need for all these dependencies so I can complete this upgrade?