Google sign-in

Thanks very much for your tutorial, its amazing.
So could gimme some light about the Unity Liveops services using this way?
Can i use the token to sign in unity liveOps too? Basicaly i need to use the Cloud save of the Unity LiveOps, and i need to use this Google Sign in method. soooo?

Any update about Google Sign provider of Unity?


I don’t think so :frowning:
Did you get the chance to talk to your team, @SebT_Unity ?

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Hey @SebT_Unity, just pinging here again since the forum system has changed and you maybe did not get the notifications.
Do you have any good or bad news on this topic?

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@doublehitgames_1 I have not tested it, but I believe it should work the same way

I was able to implement Google Sign In + Firebase authentication on the project. However, when I try to Log in with Unity Services with Google as Identity provider I can either access with Android or with iOS (never both at the same time, one. of the platforms will allways get a 401 invalid audience). This is because Unity Identity provider only accept 1 Client ID. If I set the iOS client ID iOS are able to authenticate, if I use Android/Web Client ID only Android is able to authenticate. Both Firebase and Google Cloud generate distinct Client Ids for Android and iOS. Does anyone in here knows a workaround for this issue? Or will Unity update their Unity Cloud UI to accept both client IDs?

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I’ve got the same issue with Unity Authentication Identity Provider. While we can have different Client ID for different platforms, Unity can accept the only one Client ID to validate “aud” property in JWT. I’ve already reported a bug about Unity Authentication, but I believe it has low priority. You can also register your issue.

The workaround in my case was using iOS credentials type for Android, iOS, macOS and UWP, thus I have the only Client ID. With this workaround, you can’t use GPGS and have to sig in in web on Android.

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I see unity auth is not complete product and very lacking in many aspect. Unity is not proficient enough and not reliable in any of their server side system. Seem like server side resource was wasted at ironsource

You’re right. I even wonder why it’s called Authentication and does NOT include the main auth feature. In fact it requires that authentication should be performed with 3rd party plugins like GPGS or Sign in with Apple. The only thing Unity Authentication can do is storing user data.

At the same time Unity has Social feature, which is not related with Authentication. As I expect, after I perform sign-in to Unity Authentication, Social object should be initialized, but it’s not. BTW Social auth also depends on 3rd party assets.

Arguably that was also a way firebase was implemented too. I think it was common practice so that was not unity’s fault

In my opinion I just think it should always have equal functionality as firebase. If anything firebase auth could do but unity auth could not it indicate they are lacking

Severely one is ability to reset password and multi client in this case