Google Sketch Up

could you see Unity suporting Sketch Up?

Unity does support sketchup…

I see this is an old message, but when you say that Unity supports SketchUp, can you say how that would be done? By support I don’t mean that you export a FBX file and import that into Unity, I would want to save a SketchUp file, drag that into Unity, and be able to doouble click on the asset to continue editing it in SketchUp. How would that be done?

If I try to use a SketchUp file I can’t import it or drag it to the assets lists. If I export an FBX file it won’t drag in, but does import ok. Double clicking on the asset opens Cheetah and not SketchUp.

SketchUp can export .3ds files, which Unity happily imports.

(Since SketchUp’s acquisition by Google, it has became two seperate products: only the commercial version of SketchUp can export files in any open format.)


Whether it’s 3DS or FBX (or any of the other 3D formats that SketchUp Pro exports), I don’t think you can double click on the asset and find yourself back in SketchUp ready to edit the scene some more. That’s what might be handy, especially if you’re creating a complex model or scene in SketchUp.

BTW, how do I set the editor that is used? The first time I tried FBX it gave me Cheetah as the option, which I tried, but right now my Cheetah has become unregistered and is working in demo mode. I’ll dig up my registration details and fix that, but in the meantime how would I change the editor to another program?

Just change the application that automatically opens the file in the Finder. Get-info on the file and you can change this, or you can change it for all files of that file type.

Thanks, I was thinking there might be a way to set the editor, like you can for scripts and images. Of course, setting SketchUp as the application to open the 3DS file only has the effect of opening SketchUp, it doesn’t open the 3DS file.

Ah, that seems to be Sketchup’s problem. Anyway… double-clicking on something in the Unity editor will open its Finder-assigned application.