Google Sketchup Applying multiple textures

Hi guys, i’m creating a horror game in Unity 3d. I’m creating my maps in GoogleSketchup. I’ll call GoogleSketchup GSU for this question. Ok, so the problem is i’m creating an Asylum map. I have some wall textures, but i also want some textures along the walls to have rips and cracks etc. How would i do this, if i use the pencil tool to do this the texture i place is out of resolution. Any help please?

I believe you apply them IN SKETCHUP. Then (when exporting as an FBX) you drag and drop both the file holding the textures and the FBX file at the same time, into your hierarchy.

I do not think you can easily apply textures in unity to an import unless you divided the mesh and was able to select each section individually.

Through trial and error I have found that when exporting, unity can be a brat sometimes. If you have anymore questions, or if I answered your question wrong, please don’t hesitate to ask.