google Sketchup Rotation Errors

Hi guys, i know GSU (google Sketchup) shouldn’t be posted here, but it is for my unity project. Anyways, if you have experience with GSU please help me. My problem is when making doors in GSU, i copy and paste the square used to make the doors, before using the push/pull object. when i paste it it should clip to walls at different angles, but it’s not, it did yesterday, but if i copied it north then it would only past north and south, it wouldn’t rotate to east and west. sorry if this sounds confusing, heres a picture to show the error.


I don’t know what you mean by ‘clip’ but if you mean ‘glue’ then you probably want to right-click it and Unglue. I hope you are selecting all the faces and edges and making it into a Component. How are you exporting the model?