Google VR with Vuforia not working

We have developed an iOS Augmented Reality application that works using both the Vuforia SDK (6-2-6) & Google VR SDK (1.10) on Unity (5.5.0f3).

We have found that Vuforia and Google VR on these versions are currently incompatible and we are unable to get the application to work as expected. By changing some of the settings on the Vuforia and on the Google VR we can get a combination of outcomes.

Example 1). We replaced the main camera with the Vuforia ARCamera. We also added the GvrViewerMain from the Google VR SDK. This produces an app that shows the everything we expect to see (Augmented Reality Assets in the real world) in a stereo format so it can be used in conjunction with a VR/AR Headset. The issue is that the view that is showed for both the left and right side are very small and do not use up all the available space.

Example 2). If we then turn off “VR Mode Enabled” on the GvrViewerMain and change the Vuforia Configuration on the ARCamera and set the “Eyewear Type” to “Optical See-Through” and configure to Vuforia, we get the app running in Unity as stereo and the left & right camera take up the full space however if we then export this out to an iOS app we just get the app run with no stereo (Just one camera).

Example 3). if we change the Vuforia Configuration on the ARCamera and set the “Eyewear Type” to “Video See-Through” and configure to Vuforia. The app does not run in Unity due to errors “There must be two cameras” and if exported into an iOS application the view point is again small and each on is split into two?

Could someone please advices us on how to correctly get Vuforia, Google VR and Unity working together.

Many thanks in advance.

Not so experienced in any of this but I saw somewhere that the small video size is due to the limited phone camera range of vision. I messed with setting in the VR options and while I was able to make the screen regular for cardboard viewers, the view was magnified to the point that walking in reality did not closely match what I was seeing. The smaller screen, though limited in vision, was less disorienting.