GoogleMobileAdsSDK_IOS 7 on XCode 6.1 doesn't work.Error: umbrella header "GoogleMobileAds.h" not

GoogleMobileAdsSDK_IOS 7 on XCode 6.1 doesn’t work

“umbrella header “GoogleMobileAds.h” not found”
“could not build module GoogleMobileAds”

Developers fixed some issues 3 days ago: Fix plugin for Google Mobile Ads SDK iOS 7.0.0 · Issue #68 · googleads/googleads-mobile-unity · GitHub
I did all like they told, but have errors.

No one had this problem?
Any one knows what i am did wrong?

Hi, did you solve the issue? and how? I have the same issue but can’t find a solid solution.

Do not unzip on windows, but unzip on Mac will solve this problem

Doing same as you said solved my issue C: