I uploaded to the new GoogleVR for Unity package.
The HeadsetDemo is working but I’m unable to see the floor Canvas with the buttons.
In the old version of Cardboard SDK it worked.
Thank you for your attention
Its weird because its there and the reticle recognises its there you just cant see the buttons in VR mode.
I don’t understand what do you mean…
I compiled the app (Android) and buttons are not there.
The problem seems to be in the distortion correction in the gvr Viewer script.
If you set the distortion correction to none the buttons appears
The problem is in Unity as of 5.3.4p2 or so. 5.3.3 works fine. The bug is that Cameras with a Target Texture don’t render world space UI.
Alternatively, 5.3.4p1 and 5.4.3f1 also work.