GPT Api Integration

will there be any features or documents on GPT Api Integration in future? Are there any rumors or plans regarding this. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Yes, I would be very interested in that as well.

Isn’t it just a REST API with a token? You can hit that yourself with UnityWebRequest right now.

Standard tips on hitting a new server endpoint from Unity:

Networking, UnityWebRequest, WWW, Postman, curl, WebAPI, etc:

And setting up a proxy can be very helpful too, in order to compare traffic:

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Hey Kurt, thanks for your reply.
Sure I can, after all I have used UnityWebRequest several times in the past. Only I thought of a quick built-in approach for the future. Maybe I should create this myself for the assetstore :wink:
Anyway, thanks again.


AI is catching on bigtime so who knows, if you made a good package to simplify access for people using Unity, it might become incredibly popular.

You could even use the available public Python implementation as your reference for how to structure it.

You could be Rich and Famous™, as my Uncle Pete used to say.

Wow, Kurt, your response is super helpful! I’m actually pretty new to this forum, but I’ve been diving into third-party api integration lately, especially for websites and internal corporate systems. It’s been quite the learning curve, but also incredibly rewarding. UnityWebRequest has been my go-to tool for handling API requests in Unity projects, but I totally get what you mean about exploring more built-in approaches for the future. And hey, if you end up creating something for the asset store, count me in as one of your first customers! Thanks again for the insight, and it’s awesome to connect with fellow devs who are navigating the world of API integration.

You can use something like this GitHub - srcnalt/OpenAI-Unity: An unofficial OpenAI Unity Package that aims to help you use OpenAI API directly in Unity Game engine., or any other C# GPT wrapper I guess.
There’s also paid ‘AI Toolbox’ from asset store. Offers pretty much the same functionality.