I have various meshes with the same material, which uses the ‘Legacy Shaders/VertexLit’ shader, this material has GPU instancing enabled, but for some reason it doesn’t batch the meshes in the Frame Debugger, every mesh is drawn separately, so I have a lot of draw calls.
What’s weird, is that when I set this same material to use the ‘Standard’ shader, it starts working, and batches all the meshes correctly in a single draw call.
Does anyone know why this happens? And how to make it work with the ‘Legacy Shaders/VertexLit’ shader?
it does not work, I took around 60 objects, no dynamic and static batching, and just gpu instancing enabled, Clicked on play button, and there are 65 drawcalls and saved 0. Im completely disappointed for two days, where switching to Mobile/diffuse shader at the same time shows me Gpu instancing working i mean 1 drawcall and saved 63. Idk what’s wrong in my shader
I removed the first pass after having the objects lightmapped, gpu instancing doesnt work somehow. Whatever, Thank you a lot, I will not use gpu instancing