I’m probabyl not using the best specs in terms of a dev computer, but I’m wondering what’s most important for Beast lightmapping. Beast basically takes up most of my processor, so that everything is in slow motion. Would it be faster to render on a computer with a better GPU or more RAM, or does it matter at all? Dev Computer 1 - good GPU (gtx 460), 4gb ram. Dev Computer 2 - mobile GPU (m310), 8 gb ram.
Beast runs primarily on the CPU so more cores and faster cores are more important. I don’t think the GPU is touched at all.
RAM is also important but as 32bit app the max it could use at all would be 4GB and even that only on a 64bit OS with 6GB++ RAM.
If your 4GB is a problem depends on the game you do though, as long as Unity + Beast (as both need to run at the same time) fit into the remaining RAM (on 4GB you are likely on 32bit OS, so we talk about 2.5GB or so likely) the 4GB are fine
The thing where the GPU is the primary thing of interest (together with RAM) would be Umbra PVS if you are on Pro and intend to use it, as Umbra on the other hand is primarily calculated on the GPU with the CPU primarily doing management, there your mobile has not the slightest chance at all, it would need 4-8 times as long to calc the same data.