Unity 6.0.29f1, HDRP 17.0.3
Does GPU Resident Drawer support animated crossfade? Is it a bug or animated LOD crossfade not possible to use with the resident drawer at the moment?
Unity 6.0.29f1, HDRP 17.0.3
Does GPU Resident Drawer support animated crossfade? Is it a bug or animated LOD crossfade not possible to use with the resident drawer at the moment?
Seems to be the case.
BRG is running through the DOTS instancing processes, it stores data in the GPU buffer and only updates when the data state changes, elimiting repeated repeating calls between GPU and CPU.
Where I think that fails is during the interpolation of meshes, since they’re fading and the states of each other, it’ll be changing the Data on the buffer wildly.
You may be able to see this in the frame debugger.
Normal crossfasde works, animated doesn’t.