GPU Skinning bug in Unity 5.3.5

Recently some of our skinned meshes started to display incorrectly ( model looks squashed ) and debugging one such frame with a frame capture reveals that there’s some invalid OpenGL usage going on. The picture attached shows how Unity tries to upload too many bone matrices ( 408 registers or 136 bones ) into a shader that contains at most 8 bones. I checked the vertex buffer as well and the bone indices go beyond 8 as if the shader was supposed to contain 136 bones. Approximately 10% of our skinned meshes have this issue.

Switching to CPU skinning fixes this issue but introduces a bug on iOS ( )

Can you provide a sample project that has the problem with the bug report?

I replicated the same error in an (almost) empty project and sent a bug report :

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It’s almost 3 months now. Still no ETA for this ?

Its currently with the OpenGL team, unfortunately there is no updates at the moment.
You can monitor the status through the issue tracker here Unity Issue Tracker - [iOS][Android] GLES3 GPU Skinning doesn't work as expected, draws meshes wrongly
There is also another similar bug Unity Issue Tracker - [OSX] Deformation flickers, without GPU Skinning