Grabbing a cube makes it expand and increase in size.

I have a cube in a game which I can grab and drop. The code below to do so works fine in that I can grab and drop the cube (with a key trigger or with a Touch controller). But every time I grab the cube, it’s like it’s being “stretched” and it increases in size to become a bigger cube, which I don’t want to happen. I have executed this code before without this problem in a different project but now I can’t figure out why the code to grab an object “stretches” its size and increases its volume. The cube is a rigid body with a box collider around it.
Any help appreciated!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Grab_supermrkt : MonoBehaviour

    public OVRInput.Controller controller;
    public string buttonName;

    public float grabRadius;
    public LayerMask grabMask;

    private GameObject grabbedObject;
    private bool grabbing;

    void GrabObject()

        grabbing = true;
        RaycastHit[] hits;
        hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, grabRadius, transform.forward, 0f, grabMask);

        if (hits.Length > 0)
            int closestHit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
                if (hits*.distance < hits[closestHit].distance) closestHit = i;*


grabbedObject = hits[closestHit].transform.gameObject;
grabbedObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = true;
grabbedObject.transform.position = transform.position;
grabbedObject.transform.parent = transform;

void DropObject()
grabbing = false;
if (grabbedObject != null)
grabbedObject.transform.parent = null;
grabbedObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = false;
grabbedObject.GetComponent().velocity = 2 * (OVRInput.GetLocalControllerVelocity(controller));
grabbedObject.GetComponent().angularVelocity = OVRInput.GetLocalControllerAngularVelocity(controller);
grabbedObject = null;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

if (!grabbing && Input.GetAxis(buttonName) == 1)

if (grabbing && Input.GetAxis(buttonName) < 1)


Just make sure the object where this script is attached to (as well as all parents of this object) has a scale of (1,1,1). Any non uniform scale can mess up an object attached as child.