Hi all,
I am current writing a shader to blend two textures based on world height and a blend height, I am pretty close but i’m having trouble doing a gradient where the two textures meet and blending from one texture to another. I assume i have to use a lerp between the two textures but I am unsure of how to continue.
Anyone have any pointers or have any better suggestions of how to accomplish this? I’m farily new to shaders and am trying to pick up a few tricks and tips, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have pasted the full shader code below as well as a screen capture of the current output, as you can see Im having problems in seamlessly blending between the two textures.
Shader "Custom/HeightTerrain"
_Color("Color",Color) = (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
_GroundHeight("GroundHeight", Float) = 0
_DirtBlendHeight("DirtBlendHeight", Float) = 2
_DirtTex("DirtTex", 2D) = "white"{}
_BaseTex("BaseTex", 2D) = "white"{}
_Blend("Blend", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
Tags{ "Queue" = "Transparent+1" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf Lambert alpha
float _GroundHeight;
float _DirtBlendHeight;
float4 _Color;
sampler2D _DirtTex;
sampler2D _BaseTex;
float _Blend;
struct Input
float3 customColor;
float3 worldPos;
float2 uv_DirtTex;
float2 uv_BaseTex;
void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
half4 c = tex2D(_DirtTex, IN.uv_DirtTex);
half4 b = tex2D(_BaseTex, IN.uv_BaseTex);
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = 0;
if (IN.worldPos.y > _GroundHeight && IN.worldPos.y < _DirtBlendHeight)
//Gradient between the two textures
half4 c = tex2D(_BaseTex, IN.uv_BaseTex);
half4 g = tex2D(_DirtTex, IN.uv_DirtTex);
c.rgb *= lerp(0, 1, (IN.worldPos.y) + _Blend);
g.rgb *= lerp(0, 1, (IN.worldPos.y) + _Blend);
o.Albedo = c.rgb + g.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a + g.a;
//1 texture alpha gradient example
//o.Albedo = b.rgb;
//o.Alpha = 1 - (((_DirtBlendHeight - _GroundHeight) - IN.worldPos.y) / _DirtBlendHeight);
else if (IN.worldPos.y > _GroundHeight)
o.Alpha = c.a;
o.Albedo = b.rgb;
o.Alpha = b.a;
o.Albedo *= _Color.rgb;
FallBack "Diffuse"