Graphical Bugs in Editor

I’m on Linux and installation of unityhub and unityeditor went fine.
But when using a Unity Editor, I experience too many graphical bugs to be able to use it. It’s like the whole window is not redrawing often enough. I don’t know how to fix it and I have never experienced this bug on any other program. I tried reinstalling the Editor and tried multiple LTS versions, but it’s always the same.

My system: Pop!_OS 22.04 with KDE Plasma 5.24.6
OpenGL version string: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 515.65.01
Hardware: Nvidia RTX 3060Ti
Versions tried: three latest LTS versions

Maybe this is a common problem and I hope someone can help me, thanks!
I uploaded an example image of the bug when sliding over the top navigation. It happens with every context menu at least. I have not experienced any crashes or any other problems so far.

This seems like an issue with your drivers. Can you do a clean reinstall of both your gpu drivers and unity?

@DevDunk I tried reinstalling Unity, but didn’t try reinstalling Nvidia Driver, since I was scared it would be too much fiddling. Thank you though!

But I found the solution within a thread of this forum. The cause was my disabled KDE Compositor, which I disabled a while ago to prevent input lags when playing fps games. I didn’t know it can lead to such problems. Unity is definitely the first program, where these graphical bugs occurred for me.

Link to Post: Anyone tried it with KDE/Plasma?

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Can you file a bug report with this post attached?
Then maybe they can fix it

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any special reasons to stick to 2020.3? i would suggest upgrading the editor version and see if it’s better there.

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