Graphical stuff by JeyDia

Hello Guys

I attempted to make a Realistic scene Inspired by the work of koooolalala in Unreal 4.
I was curious to see what can I do with Unity 5 and his new GI.

this is in work in progress so I will update this post with more Screenshots and videos

EDIT : I decided to make this thread my gallery cause I got a lot of things to show you and don’t want to flood the forum :smile:


Impressive light&posteffects setup :slight_smile:

Superb. Looks like I will end up moving to U5…

Looks really nice! Please keep posting the progress.

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The video :

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Awesome job, feels pretty much like a high end render.

Does the precompute take long?

No it doesn’t especially for this kind of little scene

Hi can you share the demo project to know the settings ?

My test:

Hi I wonder if someone will make a tutorial for archziv with cinema4d and unity 5 !!!

I tested new assets on a appartment that I made



Little dark scene inspired by Zelda Twilight Princess


Would you show your lighting setup for the interior home scene? Lots of people(as myself) have trouble with interior scenes, and your lighting is great.

So is that realtime lighting or light mapping in that most recent video?

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wow absolutely stunning

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Realtime Lighting on dark temple and lightmapping for the ArchViz Test.

And @carking1996 I will share my lightning setup don’t worry


Video of the Dark Temple


Wow, looks incredible! Really like the atmosphere… for just one second, at the beginning of the video, it gave me a Myst-like feeling. :slight_smile:

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The build of Dark temple : MEGA ( Need to launch it in full resolution and hold right click to move )

Attached Files : My bake setup for interior scenes