If an UI object is disabled when instantiated, it still blocks raycasts.
Repro scene attached (there’s a disabled panel that blocks the left half of the button).
Case number 686078.
2050661–133343–ReproScene.unitypackage (5.96 KB)
If an UI object is disabled when instantiated, it still blocks raycasts.
Repro scene attached (there’s a disabled panel that blocks the left half of the button).
Case number 686078.
2050661–133343–ReproScene.unitypackage (5.96 KB)
Couldn’t find your case in the issue tracker so I up voted this one instead: Unity Issue Tracker - [EventSystem] Deactivated UI Elements are picked up by GraphicRaycaster.Raycast
Not fixed in 4.6.4p2. Kinda expected them to see this as critical priority show-stopper bug, that would be fixed immediately…
Yeah… this is a big deal. Wish I had read this post before going from 4.6.3 to 4.6.4p2. Breaks my main menu (and many other things) since I have popup dialogs and stuff that are disabled by default… but they are still blocking input.
Seeing this too. Breaks our menu as well.
Shocker thats not fixed in patch 2 - we need the patch fixes, why UI team always sleeping!
Do we really have to wait another week for a patch?! This should of be a priority!
Many people have pop up dialogs or messages in their games!
I can’t believe I have to wait another week to see if they’ll fix this… It’s the only thing that’s holding me from publishing my game. I could use a previous version where this doesn’t happen, but I was interested in some other things these patch have included aswell.