Graphics.Blit with an additive shader

Hey, I’m trying to implement the ability to paint on a texture with a particle effect. What I’ve done is I’ve set up a camera that renders my particle effect to a renderTexture. What I want to do is copy the contents of that RenderTexture to a secondary texture, without clearing what has been rendered in previous frames from that secondary texture, so in effect, wherever I paint with my particle is permanently baked into my secondary texture.

I’ve tried setting my cameras clear flags to “Don’t clear”, but that doesn’t seem to work for some reason. I may need to revisit that option down the road. But the other option I’m more interested in is using Graphics.Blit with a custom shader for an additive post processing effect. I’m not sure if this option will function the way I want it to though. When using Graphics.Blit, is it possible for me to combine the source texture and the dest texture using an additive shader?


I figured out that I can use Material.SetTexture to make them available in the shader