Graphics.CopyTexture works extremely slow on android version higher than 7.0

I’ve got a stange problem. Im using Graphics.CopyTexture to draw 2D map.
I was testing the game on Samsung Galaxy S7 with custom S8 rom android 7.0, and performance was great (50-60fps while drawing map).

After some time I changed my phone’s rom to original Galaxy S7 rom, but with android version 8.0, and i noticed huge lag spikes in my game while drawing texture. (performance drop to 15 fps).
I did also test it on my friend’s phone, new huawei with android 10.0 and performance is as bad as on my phone with android 8.0. But when i had android 7.0 on the same phone everything worked great.

Does somebody know if android 7.0 or lower handles Graphics.Copy texture differently than android higher than 7.0?

I don’t know the direct answer to your question, but I know this link:

I recently used it to clone a texture and it works fine, but I was not using it every frame. Would that get you where you need to be? I would modify the above code so it doesn’t keep new-ing up a fresh texture every frame, obviously. Just make it once and reuse it I suppose.