I know I can’t expect the PC to emulate and provide accurate framerate for my Iphone, but I’m getting a pretty drastic difference in performance.
Setting my Graphics emulation to (MBXlite) nets me about 45fps, while my 3G gets about 9! The difference gets worse if I attempt to switch it to the 3Gs emulation. Kind of hard to optimize if my target is off (and not always the same 36 frame count).
Any suggestions on how to get the closer to each other? I’ve set my kfps in the Application.mm to 60.
Graphics emulation only emulates the look of the graphics, not performance of the device. That’s not desirable anyway, since different iPhone/iPod models have different chips running at different speeds. To test actual performance, make a build and run it on the device. Preferably several different devices from different generations.
That only sets the maximum framerate the device can run at.
over the time you will get a feel for the real fps you can expect on a specific device with the stuff thats going on on the screen basing on the stats banner.