Graphics.PresentAndSync taking a lot in any project, even 5ms in an empty scene (Vsync already off)

Yes, this is yet another question about why Graphics.PresentAndSync and specially its sub-routine Device.Present appear in the profiler eating so much of our games’performances.

And the reason of me putting once another question about it has mainly two reasons. First, Unity staff never game neither satisfactory answers on that, nor more detailed documentation on such entries. Searching for it in the forums and in Unity Answers, I did find quite a few suggestions gave mostly by the community on how to interpret and handle performance issues with Graphics.PresentAndSync.

However, all projects I have been playing with actually have that entry in the profiler eating up from 5ms to 10ms during gameplay of built versions of the game (while only playing in the editor, the same happens, only the profielr does not identify what the “others” category mean under the GPU profiler). To my surprise, today I built an executable version of a game consisting of… only a default empty scene with a camera and a directional light.

So, Graphics.PresentAndSycen started lasting 3ms and went up to 6ms during gameplay. Always with a corresponding Gfx.WaitForPresent load at the CPU side. Since yes, I have Vsync off, I can’t help but wonder that this is some type of a bug either in the profiler or in the engine’s relationship with some graphics card stuff.

Could anyone shed some more light on that problem?

Can anyone give any ideas on this? It is still messing up my profiling quite a lot.

Having the same issue here