Hi, i’m working on a space strategy game, and i need to show the ship’s firing arcs, aoe ability indicators, range indicator, etc.
Example:Firing Arc Example, Firing Arc Example 2, Range Indicator Example
How would i create something like this? using textures is the obvious solution, but the texture should be really high res and it seems unfeasible. Using vector graphics (lines, circles) would solve that problem, but how do i get the nice gradient effect on the edges… and what if i want to color in the inside of the arc? I also though about using a mesh to represent arcs, and dynamically expand or contract it, but if i want to have a large radius circle, the mesh would have too many polygons.
If someone could point me to an asset store package that has these features, please do, ill be happy to buy it. Or if there’s an easier solution, please let me know.