Hi, I understand that the custom events are something which are still being developed and improved on
What I am doing is sending a custom event for Death whenever the player dies, it records how long they survived and their score
UnityAnalytics.CustomEvent("Death", newDictionary<string, object>
{ "Lifetime", Lifetime },
{ "Score", (int)Master.gameObject.GetComponent<SessionScript>().score-n}
What I would like to do then is to be able to plot some graphs from this data. Things like box plots to show the distribution of score and playtime, and I would also like to do a scatter graph to see if there is any link between how long the player lives on one life, and how much score they get (logic would say it should positively linear, but I have a difficulty curve which increases with total score and lifetime, and from my own personal experience its not quite what it seems, so i’d like to see what the data says).
I understand this may not be possible in the current system
Visualisations or the ability to plot graphs and have them update them selves within Unity Analytics (a new dashboard section called graphs for example like you have funnels) would be amazing and preferable, however I understand this might not be a priority or maybe not feasible
If there is a way to access the raw data and export it as a .csv, this would also work. It would not be as preferable or as good as the first suggestion, but would still allow us to do whatever we want with the data (such as graphing) in an external software
Many thanks in advanced