GraphView Manipulators capturing mouse

I am trying to get a MouseUpEvent on a Node but the ContentDragger, SelectionDragger etc. capture all mouse events. How can i work around this?

In the end I want to make a force directed graph where the currently dragged node is not affected by forces, so the obvious way to go was to set a flag on the Node when it is clicked and remove the flag when the mouse is released.

In general you should be able to RegisterCallback<MouseUpEvent>(MyMouseUpCallback) on the same target as the manipulator, and you would also receive the events, right before or after the manipulator. Alternatively, you can RegisterCallback<MouseUpEvent>(MyMouseUpCallback, TrickleDown.TrickleDown) on any parent of the node and you should receive those as well, before the manipulator does.

I’m not an expert of GraphView, but in general those two options should allow you to work around the manipulator that uses and stops propagation on MouseUpEvents. I could dig deeper but I’d need some more context probably. Hope this helps!