Grass on mobile device for 2023

Just to follow up – I won’t be able to work on adding this feature. Our Terrain system is pretty old, so most effort that goes into it is maintenance instead of features.

any plans to create a better terrain system? Yes, it’s super old.

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Hi, did you get any chance to try the latest mobile demos ? Thanks

Mainly the detailed mobile grass one

Also can check the more lighweight one with quad based grass


I have some amazing news on the foliage on mobile front, I managed to get the system with zero wait time to get in scene and a massive performance boost as well. This new mode saves the grass in scene, so get a larger scene file, but does not use the Grass Manager to batch the grass at game start, so get in scene time is instant.

Also the LOD manager works in a centralized way, giving an extra boost to performance.

The image above is from Samsung S22, with massive grass draw distance, very detailed close up grass mesh and batched billboards in the background.

The system offers a massive boost to mobile foliage performance and can get desktop level detail and shadows even at 60fps. I will be working on a demo where the player can move around the map and post it asap.


I have now added the two final APK Android demos for the new instant get in game mode and very detailed grass meshes.

The first is with full features, like real time planting and run time permanent grass shaping and the second is with only the pre grown from editor grass.

This new mode will be available in the next InfiniGRASS 2.1 version.

InfiniGRASS v2.1 FULL FEATURES - Run time planting and Permanent grass interaction and shaping


Note that this is a stress test demo, with very detailed close up grass that is normally more suitable to desktop. Much more optimizations can be inserted over this, e.g. blend of detailed and quad based close up grasses.

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@nasos_333 I understand you want to sell your asset. But please, this thread is about a particular demo project and how to optimize that demo project so that we can compare apples to apples. You keep posting about your asset updates every time you make an update on the store and already flooded the whole thread. This thread is not about your asset please. I will write to compare different tools when I have time, which is the idea of this thread. I will include yours too and try to be as impartial as possible with the pros and cons.

Also your 2 apk files do not load. They don’t run because they have missing files, I don’t know how you can run them. From the logcat.
4-21 14:23:40.562 18197 18287 E Unity : Material doesn’t have a texture property ‘_MainTex’
04-21 14:23:40.562 18197 18287 E Unity : (Filename: Line: 1462)
04-21 14:23:40.562 18197 18287 E Unity :
04-21 14:23:40.572 18197 18287 W Unity : The tree GameObject couldn’t be instanced because the prefab contains no valid mesh renderer.
04-21 14:23:40.572 18197 18287 W Unity : (Filename: Line: 172)
04-21 14:23:40.572 18197 18287 W Unity :
04-21 14:23:41.004 18197 18287 W Unity : TerrainCollider: MeshCollider is not supported on terrain at the moment.
04-21 14:23:41.004 18197 18287 W Unity : (Filename: Line: 197)
04-21 14:23:41.004 18197 18287 W Unity :
04-21 14:23:41.004 18197 18287 W Unity : TerrainCollider: MeshCollider is not supported on terrain at the moment.
04-21 14:23:41.004 18197 18287 W Unity : (Filename: Line: 197)

i also just tested your latest software update and i got no different results from the previous versions. There are like 20 demo scenes, hard to tell which one you want people to look at. I tried latest Demo 2.1 stuff, but i only see high end mobile demos there. Which is the demo scene we should be looking for a regular mobile device?

But again, this thread is not about your asset. It seems it turned into your personal beta testing thread. Please let’s move your asset-related things to your asset thread, where you also post the same content. All your asset related conversations I will continue at your thread here:
[-50% Weekend Sale✅]Infinigrass-GPU Optimized Interactive Grass-Trees-Meshes,work on mobile,HDRP-URP - Unity Forum

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Hi, sure, will reply on the above in my thread

I have been so silly to render with rendermeshinstanced and works fast AF on 6 yo phone

you render a full terrain of grass with rendermeshinstanced on a 6 yo phone? and fast AF? can you attach a picture? hard to believe

I think it depends on how it is implemented. After I tried comparing the standard Unity grass rendering, it was still very good. tested with old device redmi note 9 4gb ram
note: you have to use a mobile shader to render it

  • with TerrainGrass really terible fps

  • final comparation

i wouldn’t call that fast AF and the amount of grass seems pretty small and quality like a 90s game. How much grass do you have in there per patch?

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My cellphone is very old, so I optimized it a little (In the previous picture, the grass image is blurry). after several tries. apparently with a custom shader. unity tree is the real winner (I hope unity adds a terrain rotation feature in unity tree), one drawback is that it doesn’t have rotation. if you want to change unitytree with rotation. You can change it with DrawMeshInstance with performance that is not much different. You can also use DrawMeshInstancedIndirect but most of the time it doesn’t work on cellphones, (on PC you can get 2x faster fps with DrawMeshInstancedIndirect)

ignore all my suggestions. and just use this. all your problems are solved. GitHub - AssemblyJohn/Critias-FoliageSystem

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