Grass only visible with extreme zoom

When I added grass as a plant texture on a terrain, nothing happened (as in: the plants didn’t appear). But when I zoomed in on the terrain (so close that the view almost went through the terrain) I noticed that the texture was added, just not visible in normal view (when not extremely zoomed in).
When I play the game it is the same: everything is visible, except the grass texture, until I literally stand between the textures: only then it is visible. Doing one step in any direction makes the textures disappear again.

It is not the ‘far clip plane’ on the main camera. It is set to quite a high number, and as I said, everything else is visible, except for the grass texture.
Does anyone know why I do not see the plants/grass?

I had this problem. First, you need to go into the Terrain Setting and increase the Detail Distance slider to maximum. If that doesn’t solve your problem, then you’ve built your environment/terrain/map at too big a scale.

This is exactly the problem that I had - the only way to solve it was to decrease the scale of everything in the scene to 10% to compensate for the limited draw distance.

Depending on the scale of the elements of your scene, you may not have to decrease them this much, or you might have to decrease them a lot more. You will just have to experiment.

Once this is done,remember that you will also need to decrease the scale of your grass accordingly.