I am just playing a little bit with the unity demo and have built two small scenries so far. the last one was about water.
have a look at:
doing this scenery i had to big problems which i could not solve:
grass shader bug?
all gras planes have a small borders around the texture which doesn’t look very nice: sometimes it is just grey but especially the dry grass has one bright yellow border. I tried hard and worked on the original texture from the terrain asset but couldn’t do any better. just building a mesh object and using it as “grass” on the terrain did some better. -
the white – i dont’t know the right word – surf? close to the house: an animated particle effect with horizontal streched particles – but sometimes they get stretched in a very strange way. i could find any advice on how to adjust those particles. in the editor everything looks fine but not in the game…
and where can I find the island demo files? they aren’t shipped with the demo and i can’t find them on the website.
thanks, lars