Gravity Not Working At All

I have a problem with the gravity in my unity 3d scene.

My physics are default and so are the time settings.

If I add a new game object like a sphere or square and then add a rigid body component. After starting the game, it doesn’t fall.

It is not kinematic and has use gravity checked ( as default)

I’ve watched the y-axis and nothing changes.

I’m not using any scripts that manipulate or use time in any way.

There are no other colliders in the scene, I have removed them all.

Make sure it has a collider on it as well… Check the Project Settings to be sure your gravity has a non-zero value. Make a specific Physics Layer to try to work on. Other than that…mystery from your explanation. Happen in a new project?

Check the rigidbody position constraints. Make sure the position is “free”.

Gravity works regardless the collider or the physics layer. Those have effect on collisions only. As @lightbug14 pointed out, the only setting I can think of that could cause that effect is the rigidbody constraint enabled in the Y position.

You can also check whether the GameObject is static or not. and if it is static you can change it to Non-Static

The GameObject Static flag has nothing to do with physics here.