Greek name of picture problem

Hi unity developers.

Really need your help on this matter.

I am rather new on Unity development but after searching for the solution online I couldn’t find anything on this.

I am saving a screenshot as a png file to save a model greated in my game.

Then to reload the model I create a list of buttons with the picture of each model inside it.

The problem is when I have saved a model with a greek name (“τεστ”) the button does not show the image but a small question mark, like is not finding the picture “τεστ.png”.

I read the directory of the saved models and save each picure in an array using the following code:

var info = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath+"/Resources/ModelsLibrary/");
	var fileInfo = info.GetFiles("*.png");
	libraryModelImages = new Texture2D[0];
	libraryModelNames = new String[0];
	for (file in fileInfo){
		var texName:String = file.Name.Substring(0,file.Name.Length-4);
		var compositeName = modelsDirectory+texName;
		//var aTexture:Texture2D = Resources.Load(compositeName,Texture2D);
		var aTexture:Texture2D = startupScript.loadTex(Application.dataPath+"/Resources/"+modelsDirectory+file.Name); = texName;
		libraryModelImages += [aTexture];
		Debug.Log("Model name: ";
		libraryModelNames += [texName];

where "Debug.Log("Model name: “;” shows the name in greek just fine and later show the list of model with pictures on buttons like this:

var modelButtonRect:Rect = Rect(25,25,128,64);

	for (idx=0;idx<libraryModelImages.length;idx++){
		Debug.Log("model name:"+libraryModelImages[idx]);
		if (GUI.Button(modelButtonRect,libraryModelImages[idx])){
			selectedModelIdx = idx;
			textFieldString = libraryModelNames[selectedModelIdx];
				var allPieces = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Piece");
				for (var piece in allPieces){
				modelsLibraryWindow = false;

		//adjust button rectangles for rows and columns
		modelButtonRect.x += 135;
		if (modelButtonRect.x> 500){
			modelButtonRect.x = 25;
			modelButtonRect.y += 71;

In the above code “Debug.Log(“model name:”+libraryModelImages[idx]);” also shows the grek name of the file, but it does load it.

So what am I doing wrong? Can I fix it?

It is common for paths with unicode or custom charset literals. For example, natively systems without encoding support(like non-cp1252 windows versions can’t read cyrillic paths at all) due to inability to represent it.
Unity has no facilities to handle this even if OS has required charsets loaded.
The only and best way is to strictly use english or numbers. You can store picture by number(1.png,2.png and so on) along with xmls with names’n’stuff in them(1.xml,2.xml…)