[Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians


Mana Games (ie: me :wink: ) is pride as hell to announce that its new Dungeon Crawler, named The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians, is available to vote for on Greenlight.

It’s in First Person View, inspired by classics like Dungeon Master and Might & Magic, but featuring a modern combat system based on the triptych “tank/damage dealer/healer” mechanism.

The game is (nearly) done and it’d be very kind of you to vote for it to help me get it on Steam…! :slight_smile:

It’ll be available for Windows / OSX / Linux.

Here’s the Greenlight page =>Steam Community :: Error


Congrats Mana.

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Thanks to everybody who voted, the game got Greenlit in 1 week, yippee ! :smile:

You can buy the game from here : The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians | Buy the Game

Or wait a few weeks to buy it on Steam.

I just created a 2nd gameplay video to show what the game looks like when using the Active Pause, which is the usual thing to do when playing the game :

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Huge fan of Might & Magic! :slight_smile: One day I’ll make my epic RPG based on M&M VI – slowly building up the models and other assets I want for it.


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Looking great !!!

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Looks amazing. :slight_smile:

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** @S4G4N **,
you’re in the credits…! :wink:

@manutoo WOW !!!
That is awesome and great to see 3DForge assets surface in live projects :):):slight_smile:

Which assets did you use ?

I tried to purchase it just now vie the PayPal route, it lops me to PayPal but does no initiation to do the auto login, when I log in manually it juts logs me into PayPal, no transaction to take further.

Think you need to check the link, seems something is broken

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@S4G4N ,
I’m using the potions, the rings, the necklaces, the vases, a few gems, 1 scroll, 1 book and the shellhorn from your Fantasy Treasure Loot Kit. :slight_smile:

And thanks a lot to have reported the broken link. It looks like Paypal just stopped to serve without a warning a page that I have been using for almost 10 years…! :hushed:
I just fixed that, it should be ok now.

Great, working, got it just now
Any ETA for the STEAM-keys ?

@S4G4N ,
I should release the v1.0 tomorrow, and then I’ll look into setting up the Beta for Steam, so hopefully the Steam Keys will come before end of the week.

@Everybody & @S4G4N ,
I just set up v1.0 on Steam, so you can request your Steam Key and test the game on Steam if that’s your thing (the saved games are compatible). Don’t forget to log through Steam before to request your License Key email to be resent.

Oh, and v1.0 is out ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Game works pretty well now and is in a complete state. I’ll still add things, but there aren’t necessary to really enjoy the game as it is, it’ll be only extra bonus. :slight_smile:

(note: this is test zone screenshot, not the official dungeon)


Hey there,
I followed the link to request the STEAM key, but it just resent the same email that I received when I bought it Sunday, instead of a email that has a STEAM key on it.

It also says it can do this sending once a day only, a bit silly, for now have to wait 24 hour to try again

I think that STEAM key sending is not working yet

@S4G4N ,
if you have logged through Steam before doing the request, then the Steam Key will be in the middle of your License Key email.

I updated the page request so it won’t let you request the License Key email anymore if you didn’t sign in through Steam 1st…! :slight_smile:

@manutoo everything worked as you described :):):slight_smile:

Thanks for this