The aim is to create a PC only first person shooter game in the same vein as Half Life, Turok and others. Silent protag, light story advanced primarily by going through doors and shooting faces, repetitive enemy encounters, interesting but simple environments, focus on finding and conserving ammo and health resources, rewarding exploration with bonus ammo, armor and rarely, cool new weapons, with frustrating jumping portions and puzzles that seem obvious after you solve them. And switches. Switches that do things, but it’s not clear what they do so you have to run around a lot trying to figure it out. And teleporters. Baffling teleporters that transport you around in a labyrinth like fashion muttering swears under your breath.
A very good game, in other words.
I am just a person, a facilitator to something that wishes to be born. The vision has appeared to me and now it has appeared before you as well. The details are always shifting. Like sands in an hourglass, fragments of a filigree, or technicolor blooms in a kaleidoscope the details are always changing but the inherent thingness of the thing doth not change.
Meaning primarily that the exact form of this thing has yet to be defined, but it will be defined.
This thing must be born in phases. The first phase is a very important phase, this phase defines the DNA from which the thing will thereafter be formed in the womb of iterative design processes.
Has this thing that is not, yet can be sparked your curiosity?
Jumping through the dark corridors of some underground research facility, breaking the rules set out by The Master Architects of order and reason, plunging deeper into the unknown with nothing but your trusty gun that you seem to always be able to find ammo for? Crawling through ventilation shafts, mechanical rooms, wondering what bizarre monster or mayhem lies ahead? And laughing because it is the equivalent of a B movie?
PM me or drop me a line in this thread. Let’s do the few. Shoot the breeze. Talk the walk.
Let’s get creative, friend.