greetings from Kruununhaka

Just a new user saying hello! and introducing myself.

I found out about Unity over the weekend - I was looking for a virtual world/gaming platform that would suit my needs, and well, as you know there are loads of them. 290 game engines listed in devmaster + then all the virtual world engines on top of that. Whoa.

Unity was much praised at CGTalk so I decided to take a look, and wow, I’m impressed. Looks like something that used to be mystical complicated has been made much more approachable easier, I like that. And the browser client … that’s pretty mindblowing.

My background is in software, the first encounter was a COBOL text book pretty much exactly 30 years ago … at a mature age of 12, don’t know what I was thinking at the time. Along all these years I’ve had artistic ambitions as well, that can be witnessed e.g. here:

A freshly downloaded and installed Unity trial is now waiting for me. I know absolutely nothing/zero/nil about game design and not much of a visual designer so the next 30 days will be interesting for me…

I believe in the power of visual storytelling (here’s one example from my company: ) and the concept I’ve been developing since last autumn is about visual storytelling, immersive and fun!

The vibe on the forum here seems really good and friendly, and I look forward for my Unity newbie trip ahead! :smile:

Well I can say one thing, Unity is not much like COBOL :slight_smile:

Moved to gossip.

Luckily after that day I never encountered COBOL anymore … migrated to Basic and went from there.

Went through the Unity basics today and got something together … it’s a start. :smile:

Welcome to Unity then! :smile:

Thank you, appreciate the welcome.

The documentation is very good, concise and to the point.

When I first opened Unity and started getting a feel of it I without noticing thumbed space bar at some point, followed by panicked clicking to try to get back to the animation layout. So might be worthwhile to bring the space bar point from the end of the Unity basics doc to the beginning of it.

Also found the instant gratification path of downloading SketchUp and the free obj exporting plugin for it so can use the 3D WareHouse models to populate Unity, just for trying out stuff. Of course, Blender is there, awaiting.