Just a new user saying hello! and introducing myself.
I found out about Unity over the weekend - I was looking for a virtual world/gaming platform that would suit my needs, and well, as you know there are loads of them. 290 game engines listed in devmaster + then all the virtual world engines on top of that. Whoa.
Unity was much praised at CGTalk so I decided to take a look, and wow, I’m impressed. Looks like something that used to be mystical complicated has been made much more approachable easier, I like that. And the browser client … that’s pretty mindblowing.
My background is in software, the first encounter was a COBOL text book pretty much exactly 30 years ago … at a mature age of 12, don’t know what I was thinking at the time. Along all these years I’ve had artistic ambitions as well, that can be witnessed e.g. here:
A freshly downloaded and installed Unity trial is now waiting for me. I know absolutely nothing/zero/nil about game design and not much of a visual designer so the next 30 days will be interesting for me…
I believe in the power of visual storytelling (here’s one example from my company: http://www.vimeo.com/1665325 ) and the concept I’ve been developing since last autumn is about visual storytelling, immersive and fun!
The vibe on the forum here seems really good and friendly, and I look forward for my Unity newbie trip ahead!