Gregs kits

Hi a little back story first:
Hi i worked on a survival fps kit found here
Survival Game system [Inventory,Crafting,Gun Mechanics,BuildingSystem] - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
sadly the asset store team deemed it not customizable enough. which im really not sure why. so i took that and im working on splitting it up into smaller pieces to release on there own.

Customizable Footstep System
The first piece that i am releasing is the footstep system here is a video explaining how to use it and how it works.

Sellfy link :

Immersive character controller
This is the second kit being released which is a full body awareness imersive character controller complete with running,crouching,crawling,climbing,moving platforms and swimming

Sellfy link :

The next parts that i will be working on are probably the survival system[hunger,thirst,heat and energy] .entering/exiting of vehicles. weapon manager and basic weapon script. an inventory system.

please leave any feedback below it is greatly appreciated


asset store declined the footstep system for no reason. absolutely no reason was given

Hmm… …that sucksss… :—(
What could be the problem…!?!

no idea. i believe they just dont want anything that isnt art anymore

Did you use ‘Unity’ in the asset name?

nope it was called Customizable Footstep System

Hi Greg,
Any news on these kits?
I don’t know why the asset store won’t let them through, they seem easy enough to understand from what I can make out and I am no coder, any way if you get no love from them how about a selfy account or a gumroad account to start with and just keep trying with the asset store.

I own UFPS and I am sick of wrestling with it, and your kits look far more easier to intergrate, also could you just list the kits you will release.

Good luck with development.

honestly ive just given up… i guess it was unrealistic to be able to make money doing what i love. the asset store team obviusly had there reasons even if they didn’t tell me. ive got my self a job cleaning dishes so i guess that will pay my way through college

ahh you know what fuck the asset store i aint gonna let them win ill put them up on sellfy

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Well you do that and you have a buyer right here, and I am happy you are not giving up, just chalk it up to a little bump in the road, god knows I’ve had them.

Good luck and keep us updated.

there up on sellfy just now im ok with lowering the prices if you want ill start work on the other systems soon aswell

Buck up! I drove forklift, roofed houses and delivered lumber OTR while going to college full-time. Most of us don’t have the option to do what we want to while attending school. We do what we must to get through it.
Grind stone Greg - you’ll get through it.

I’m sure dressing up the asset packages you are creating will help. Some good visuals, solid documentation and cleanliness in all aspects. Don’t give up. Keep at it until you get them through. Success is hard and failure is a choice.

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working on the entering/exiting of vehicles atm just need to make a car model and it will be ready to ship


moved to showcase instead of wip