Grey Screen?

Whenever I hit the play button I get a grey screen. What does this mean? Is my game broken or something? I am just very confused.

Add a camera or make sure this is check box next to where where it says main camera.

[20569-screen+shot+2014-01-12+at+7.49.49+am.png|20569] (sorry for the overly large image)

If you still have this problem report it unity bug reporter

If you use only UI like me, the problem is that your canvas(es) are not attached to the camera, so :

  1. Select your canva (or all of them if you have many)

  2. In the inspector : Render mode → choose “Screen Space Camera”

  3. Drag and drop your camera (from the hierarchy) into the Render Camera Case (in the inspector)

It’s something that should be automatically fixed, but no…
Have fun