(NEW: Now with quick paint add-on, start drawing without caring about going to shader mode and assigning a texture, etc.) :
Now with always visible preview dot in Unstable version.
Upd. 4:
Added Ctrl + Y addon for Move mode selection, finally, no G in my life, when i need to do changes in series with different axes, no more spam g x LMB g y LMB g z LMB like an idiot.
Some readme text is still bad, but should be good enough, as you can just skip it and use the add-on.
Upd. 3:
Its not even indexing in search so I removed redundant name to a laconic one
(Reason: it got idiotic when i started making Indexer and links in it)
Bugfix: modes deleting with def cube deletion
Now contains a simple quick paint solution, so you won’t need to mark seam, unwrap UV’s, switch to paint mode, open/split Shader editor manually through default Blender.
Now you can export, import any .txt to your cheat sheet, a one line string available inside for quick edits of ends (press Home for first line and End for last)
State: 3 add-ons, one main, two support
Quick paint tool makes a default Smart UV Project, so it can be bad if a professional lightweight texture needed with manual seam marking and UV editing.
Potential update:
If someone in the world, except myself will try this and need to quickly open cheat sheet to edit it properly, i will make ability to open external text editor, as a variant with built in was, but that’s ugly and ruining workflow.
Maybe if someone ask hardly i will make same functional thing for Unity too, as it will be even easier, as AI knows Unity C# way better than Blender API (he acts like a 5 year old even in simple if else task…)
Whatchu gonna do about this one @Murgilod is it still unproper and unuseful? It is Blender.
Maybe in the next series of inventing the wheel i’ll take a look into creating windows application the perfect for quick use (but no effects) version of paint net, which still lacks damn grid snap, the only it needs to be perfect for its 3 second launch time, compared to slow launch photoshop and gimp (in this one i didnt understood how it works, it says there is some but i didnt notice except jittery moving it on pixels a little)
Don’t tell me that at least completely free in default keybinding Ctrl + Y for Move like you clicked it with mouse in left-bar isn’t useful.
If someone in the world actually’ll use it, please, give feedback and improvement ideas, like “I need a preview dot before I place it, this also makes that you’re are in modal mode even more obvious” (I will do at least this one, if it needed)
okay i made the always visible preview dot, with Gemini it was even easier to add that it could be with Claude, shit, maybe it even knows Blender API better (probably, not, the 3D Viewport part was good enough with Claude too)
So i just tired (lol, Freud), khmm, tried in a real wall use case, and well…
It does do the walls faster than probuilder, but if you do a closed “room”, i didn’t do any merge by distance, it is easy fixable as it is Blender, but that’s a miss.
Though if i did start from doorway, then stopped keeping the gap of it and pressed RMB, but this way i’ll have a problem booling the doorway with some cube of needed form, because there will be nothing to bool, lol.
But by dumbly merging you can make the walls a bit distorted.
okay, so ProBuilder overall isn’t that bad, though quick walls is cube spam (but i guess its time to switch to its edit mode, does it have solidify?). that auto-tile a texture perfectly and evenly is too good stuff (used it even before addon mess), i guess i can polish my Blender addon to hell, to also be able this thing, but oh, god, that would be an actual hell to work with Blender API, it does easier something already, so dunno when i will improve it, when there is zero feedback anyways.
Maybe in the future i should try internet stuff which gives more feedback, as this category in here pretty much considered only as ads by people and always skipped