Grid/Float containers


EDIT: Sorry, nevermind, I missed that there’s Layout group in the components outside of the UI group. Maybe it could be under the UI as the Effects are?

I love the addition of the new UI system in Unity 4.6, it will make a lot of things much simpler. But there are some things that I’m missing, so I’d like to ask if you’re planning on adding these so we don’t have to implement them ourselves.
One essential thing are grid/float containers for nested elements, which will automatically arrange the children UI elements. For example I might want to throw dozens of elements into some container and have them fill the rows/columns based on the current width/height of the container, so the container can be resized at runtime and the nested elements will be repositioned appropriately.

A GridLayoutGroup is already included with the UI system. See the documentation for details and the layout groups scene in the example project.

We don’t have something like a float container - I’m not sure exactly what behavior you mean here; whether it’s like float elements in HTML or something else. We don’t have any plans to implement it at this point.

I assume he means something like this:
The nodes within a FlowPane layout pane are laid out consecutively and wrap at the boundary set for the pane. Nodes can flow vertically (in columns) or horizontally (in rows). A vertical flow pane wraps at the height boundary for the pane. A horizontal flow pane wraps at the width boundary for the pane. Figure 1-10 shows a sample horizontal flow pane using numbered icons. By contrast, in a vertical flow pane, column one would contain pages one through four and column two would contain pages five through eight.

Figure 1-10 Sample Horizontal Flow Pane

If all the elements are the same size then this looks to be the same functionality already provided by the GridLayoutGroup.

Well, bad example :slight_smile: They can be any size and go to next row/column when bounds of container is reached.

All right. The UI system doesn’t come with such a layout group type out of the box, though it would be possible to create one with scripting by implementing the ILayoutGroupController interface and controlling the positions and sizes of the children in the appropriate way.