Grid snapping wrong increment


I’m having a weird issue, i have grid snapping enabled to 0.5 unit, but in a new scene, for some reasons, objects i move won’t snap to 0.5 - 1 but instead to 0.25 - 0.75 or 0.304 - 0.804. I even have an object that snaps correctly on the x axis but not y.

Has anyone encountered this bug(?)?


Do those objects have parent objects? Are the parent objects offset at all?

The grid snapping only works in world space. So the local position of child objects might not end up with nice numbers if the parent is not aligned with the grid as well.


I can’t really speak to the cause of your issue, but I just wanted to say that I find ProGrids much easier to work with. You can install it via Package Manager if you enable preview packages for your project (Project Settings > Package Manager > Advanced Settings). Grid & snap controls are added directly to the scene view which is a huge plus in my book. Not sure why it is still “in preview” as I’ve been using since it was an Asset Store product years ago, but I’ve never had any issues with it in any of my projects.

There is no offset on the parent. I am in world space, otherwise i would not be able to use the snap tool at all.

The issue was that i was in center mode and not pivot mode.


Thank you so much, I’ve been pulling my hair out for the last hour or so trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

I still have a mystery left though, which is when I go to paint on tiles from the tile palette, they are shifted down and to the left 0.5 tiles. The white square where it shows the grid spot where it will be placed does not match where the actual tile is going to be placed (which has an orange border around it)
Here’s a screenshot