Grognard wargame remakes ?

Is their a movement or subgroup within the Unity community remaking the great wargames of yesteryear?

I’m thinking:

  • Close Combat

  • Combat Mission

  • Graviteam

  • The Operational Art of War

  • Advanced Tactics Gold

These games seem dissimilar until you remember Combat Mission Campaigns or park ATG next to Close Combat’s stratmap in your head.

The problem with commercial products is that for the developer to make money they inevitably have to restrict modding to some degree. I wondered if game engines might circumvent those restrictions.

Of course you wouldn’t have to create a slavish remake. You could mix and match the best features, creating something new.

We wouldn’t be grognards if we agreed amicably with one another, so any remake would have to be open ended; a stub upon which to mod.


I’m already confused by the fundamental premise of your question.


We actually just produced a game that is at heart an old school hex based wargame. We did a more light hearted presentation, with some minor RPG mechanics, but at heart its an old school wargame.

I really miss Combat Mission. That’s something really unique and special and I’d really like to do an updated version of that game.

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I doubt that’s a niche that has any money in it whatsoever. I wouldn’t bother trying to serve it, unless you like failing.



New to this site. Haven’t quite sussed it.


Who said anything about money?

Hey, I was just jjoking around. Me and frosted are making game in this vein. I was stifling the competition. :slight_smile: If you new you wouldn’t know that, sorry.

THread about our game is in my signature. Frosted is a long time fan of that genre, I’m new to it though.

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Clearly, I have a lot to learn, but it’s reassuring to know that humour is permitted.

Those were interesting videos.


Have to agree with @Murgilod here. I don’t understand what you were trying to say with this paragraph. Were you trying to say that the cost of modding restricts implementation? Because Unity doesn’t have modding capability built into it. You would have to build it in yourself or use a third party framework like Harmony.

I was thinking of Close Combat and Combat Mission in which modding is either difficult or impossible. You can’t blame the developers for doing this though. If Combat Mission was truly moddable you’d never need to buy another game, ever.