GromDatabase on AssetStore

Available on Asset Store
GromDatabase it’s a tool through which you can easily create your own ScriptableObject database without writing any line of code.

Main feature:

● Possibility of designing a database entity via an interface.
● Simple and friendly user interface.
● Database is based on ScriptableObject.
● Support multiple (23) types:
○ Basic : byte, bool, char, double, float, int, long (requires Unity 5), string.
○ UnityEngine: AnimationCurve, AnimationClip, AudioClip, Bounds, Color, GameObject, LayerMask, Material, Rect, Sprite, Texture, Texture2D, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4.

● Search item in database contains 1000 records take 0.153 ms.
● Using from ScriptableObject is to reduce memory usage by avoiding copies of values.
● Compatibility with editor version:
○ Works with 4.6 and Unity 5 ready.
○ Works with Unity Free and Pro.
○ Works with Windows and Mac.

● Autosaving entered data.
● Ready to use properties and methods for each database in runtime.
● Because database is based on ScriptableObject can be use at all platforms offered by Unity.

For more information - check the documentation PDF available here.


2287519--153829--schema window 1.jpg

Video tutorials:

It looks very interesting!

Hi Grom,

Think you need to launch this asset in the Unity Forums! Looks amazing.

Some questions / ideas for future development:-

  1. Playmaker support.

1a. Playmaker support!.

  1. When editing records within a database have the ability to add a record or delete or go to start or end from there - quicker development time…

  2. Please tell me it’s its own file and NOT the player prefs file?

  3. Would be great (with a bit of editor/inspector tinkering) if you could have an icon view of textures, gameobjects, colours, and so forth. Also, would be good if you could drag and drop in things like textures, gameobjects, etc. Support for sound files too? With gameobjects, textures etc does the database simple store the reference to the texture, gameobject etc or does it serialise it and store the whole object (thinking about size in memory).

  4. Support for Android and Ios?

  5. Direct support for Lists and Arrays. This would be fantastic. So say you’re sword could have say a list of buffs, with also values. And the list would be a column/field itself.

  6. Default values for fields in records?

  7. Encryption options?

  8. Export and Import for/to CSV (in the long term)?

  9. More examples in tutorial etc of making use of existing databases in games - examples.

  10. What happens if you have lots of columns for each record - when you are editing or adding a record in a database, does the window scroll and adjust to allow you to edit and add all fields in the record?

Thanks debest and Duffer123 for sharing your opinion.

  1. Playmaker? can you tell me a bit more what it is?

  2. Add, delete records or switch between it can be useful and will be not hard to implement.

  3. GromDatabase store data in ScriptableObject - it is good explain in documentation Unity - Manual: ScriptableObject or in live training Introduction to Scriptable Objects - Unity Learn

  4. content view it’s good idea

  5. It should work without problems.

6,7 Default values, list and arrays - I was thinking about this option before and I have plan to add this.

  1. I don’t use encryption. It is stored in assets files, and from what I can tell the compiler unity encrypts data during a build.

9 Yes this is the good option to migrate database between project, but now I have no idea how to save some prefab in CSV files. I must make some research.

  1. How use it in game from code level is in my documentation, but I can make some video tutorial.

11 windows are resized and the ability to scroll when there is a lot of data

@gromerr ,

Excellent. . Look forward to updates. . Look up Playmaker on asset store to see what it does… Best selling asset and if you support it you make your asset more marketable… . . :wink:

Just purchased this asset. Nice work :slight_smile:

could you make it so we can edit records without having to click edit and go to specific record view?
For example… I need to view all records at the same time whilst updating or adding a new record.

Also could to make the columns width resizable?
For a quick update could you move the edit button to the left side? so I dont have to keep scrolling.

Overall I’m pleased with this asset… :slight_smile:

Good suggestions. One echoes one of mine. The ‘competitor’ assets like SIMPLESQL, Datablocks and GDE all have Playmaker support so really hope that’s introduced asap too…

@TechiTech good to hear that you are enjoy this asset.
I add these suggestions to my list in next patch.

@Duffer123_1 I will take a look at this asset


Addition of direct support for lists and arrays would be fantastic…

Small update where it was fixed compatibility with Unity 5.2 just came out

after updating :
Assets/GromDatabase/Editor/Core/Generator/ItemGenerator.cs(96,31): error CS0117: GromDatabase.NodeType' does not contain a definition for longType’

How to fix this?

@TechiTech make sure to properly update all files, especially GromDatabase\Core\Schema\NodeType.cs

You should have a content:

#if UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2
        longType = 6,

ok thanks… ill check it out


Yep sorry my bad. For some reason it didn’t update that file.

All sorted now

Nice Asset! I bought it and have no regrets! Very nice interface and easy in use. Now I can create my games much faster and easier than before. Plus too for a nice and light tutorial ;).


@Oxygeniium thanks for your opinion, good to know that tool is useful.

@gromerr ,

How is it coming along and what are your thoughts re Playmaker support/integration and support/integration of Lists and Assets…?

Something else (not quite a list, nor an array, but useful) that would set this apart is if, by row, you could have a field which was a list where each item/element also had a score or value.

So let’s say your row related to a sword and you had fields for things like name, description, texture, icon, model, other values, you might also have a field for buffs and that would be sort-of like a list… ie.

Item/Element Value
FireDamage 1.1
IceDamage 2.2
ElectricDamage 5.6

Also, it would be cool if a field could in fact refer to another ‘schema’/table as a gameobject…?

Hi @Duffer123_1

I watched Playmaker and integration it’s a task for very long term. So currently I can’t promise it will be support in future.

Yep I know what you mean, dropdown list with defined values, something similar to the existing list LayerMask. Enum type list will be easier to do, relationship to another database entity will be harder to do but it will give more capabilities. I will add this to my development plan.

Now I’m focus on better workflow with tool:

  • move some buttons
  • multi edit records
  • array and list
  • default values

Not to worry. Maybe I can code in some Playmaker support. Still think it would add a lot to this asset…

@gromerr ,

How goes it? What new stuff are you thinking about adding next?

Hello, work is going well. Probably end up in next week then few days for testing and submit this to asset store.