I just updated to Unity 2018.1 and the new Cinemachine available in Package Manager and it appears you guys may have broken or changed things when using a Group Composer with Adjustment Mode set to Zoom Only.
Prior to updating, I had a very good setup for Group Targeting for a 3D Top Down Isometric camera perspective. As soon as I updated, this setup no longer works. Now the camera just goes shooting off into space. Here is a screen grab of my setup that worked before updating. The same setup after updating causes the camera to shoot off into space.
The only way I can keep the camera from shooting off into space is if I change the Group Composer Adjustment Mode from Zoom Only to Dolly and Zoom or Dolly Only. The problem is that defeats the point of just Zooming in and Out to maintain view of the group of enemies as they are added and removed from the Target Group List. Zoom only is clearly broken. Either it’s broken or I’m just guessing that you may have changed it so you have to use a Confiner when you added the changes for 2D. But then failed didn’t test implementation for 3D?
I use an Orbital Transposer so I can maintain the camera behind the player with a Heading Bias of -90. Also I allow the user to pause the game and rotate the view around the play field and the Orbital Transposer allows those features.
Thanks for any help.