GTA - Russia

*UPDATED - 11.02.2010. 19:22

GTA - Russia (working title)

Development Status: veeery far from finish :smile:

Overall info:
This project is a try to make GTA-clone with Unity. A gta-style game setted in provincial city in Russia, in close future(2014 or 2015).City has a real prototype :arrow: Syktyvkar - Wikipedia

Some facts:
-Soundtrack will consists mostly of Russian rap/hip-hop, and alternative rock. Plus some hip-hop style instrumental tracks(those like ones in GTA Chinatown wars).
-Protagonist looks very simillar to one of my friends.
-There will be night clubs, where you can drink and dance.
-There is no sunny weather in this game.
-WhitePower skinheads will play one of major roles in the story.

New Info:
-Area of game world will be about 15-20 sqr.kilometers, will contain both urban and country setting.
-You can buy new safehouses, and there are only two “free”(you dont need to buy them) safehouses
-You can buy clothes with different styles from one of shops in city.
-All prices will be in Russian rubles and be real.
-There be people from many subcultures between the peds(Goths, Emo`s, EmoKids, Punks, Hip-hoppers and others)
-Gameplay style will be closer to Mafia(city of lost heaven) style than Grand Theft Auto.

P.S. Sorry for my English- i am Russian)

Hey that’s pretty cool!

I love the GTA games.

But setting it in a real area might be asking for trouble. All GTA games are set in fictional areas, but based on real places like yours.

That looks awesome! Will be checking back for updates. :slight_smile:

You know, I keep thinking Rockstar will make the next GTA game in a different country, and so far they haven’t, even though one of the original GTA’s took place in London. :slight_smile:

Glad someone else has taken up the job! Looks great so far.

graphics look impressive

Strelok goes Mafia?

@bradjensen68 :smile: lol)No not Strelok) his name must be Oleg)

bout graphics: I changed graphics style and time of year-now it`s dark,dirty,wet and cold november

What about GTA for the Iphone? its in chinatown.

A game featuring “White Power skinheads” ??? Uh, I think you should definitely NOT include something so controversial in a game, also I like the idea of a gta-styled game in a country outside of the US, but I’m sure if Russia is an interesting enough setting. Most players from the US probably won’t “get it”.

This game isnt a product of big mass industry so political correctness is not necesarry - it all be as it is.

About US people who “wont get it”…thing i noticed- more I chat with people from USA- less differences between our country`s I see. So i think people from USA must get in))

People in the US tend to be very sensitive to “white power” and things like that. Glorification of racism is really really really frowned upon even by the most avid free speech people.

You can do what you want, but don’t expect a very warm reception. Even among those that tend to accept things like GTA games with open arms.

I say go for it and do what you can! If you are able to complete and finish it, consider at least one copy sold.

make that 2

Make that three. So long as the plot is truthful and shows all sides, not glorifying it, theres a difference. Movies do it all the time.

Looks good, like the art, keen for more.

tip: anatomy, check it out, you’re character doesn’t follow it. (and thus looks cartoonish, instead of humanish) :smile:

This Is amazing, my two favorite things put into one, Russia and GTA.

I’ll be sure to keep my eye on this :wink:

Did he say he was going for a realistic art style?

Topic updated with new screens, that little change in graphics style. Also some new info will be added after few minutes)

Screens are looking fantastic mate, keep up the good work

Sorry about reviving such an old thread but whatever happend to the project?