"Guardian" - Boundless Game Studios

LOUD MUSIC webplayer Day and Night System 12 minuteshttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/56545886/MarileVillageDayNightSystem12minuteday/MarileVillageDayNightSystem12minuteday.html

webplayer House:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32175794/Guardian/WebPlayer/WebPlayer.html
//Something seems to be wrong with the letters in menu. Use arrows and enter.

Character animations and more coming soon!

Spider animation test

Goblin voice

This a test village it will not be in the game.

This is the first version of the Truku’s AI. They will be able to sense the player and run away from you. You will have to catch some in a quest. They are wild birds that can be easily tamed to be domesticated.

All work Copyright © 2012 by Boundless Game Studios

Written by Casey Williams

Version # 1.00

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Overall Game Information:

“Guardian” is a third person view and first person view adventure game that will allow the player to play as a hero on a quest to find the truth of the evils in his land . But, with the help of his guardian that watches over him from above. The guardian will fuse into your weapon and guide you through the hero’s world and conquer evil. On the way you will discover special fragments of fallen stars in all different sorts of ways that can alter your blade, skills, and powers.

Our game will run on Mac and PC computers.

The game will be free to play.

Plot: A Valenian boy named Swen meets his Guardian (Bounda) that will need his help to find a fallen Guardian who has gone corrupt and has fused with his own partner from Valenia to destroy both Swen’s and Bounda’s worlds. So, the myth of the Crescents are true to Swen’s people. They believe that everyone has someone watching over them from the moon. Guardians or Crescents are not supposed to leave their world and travel down to Valenia or fuse body/soul/ and mind with their partner.

Features: The game will feature live action battles, treasure hunting, altering Swen’s main weapon with rare fragments of fallen Stars, renaming weapons, voice overs for characters, currency system, text on screen system, choice of being good or bad, orchestral music, books with short stories and valuable information, some magic, and more ideas to come…

Genre: The game is an action adventure fantasy game with cartoon style art.

Target Audience: The game is for anyone of any age. No bad language or gore. A little violence.

Views: Guardian will be in third person view and in first person as well.

Game Scope:
There will be at least 5-6 towns or more to explore. The world terrain will be separate from the town. Different zones will load the player to new terrain scene or towns. etc…
There will be 6-10 N.P.C.S each at least in a town that will have some purpose in the game. Filler N.P.C. will be added to.
There will be a lot of different weapons like Swords, axes, bows, and a few unique ones.

Timeline: This project has no set date to be finished at any certain time at the moment.

Common And FAQ:

What is Guardian about?

“Guardian” is a computer game being developed by Boundless Game Studios © that has an adventure/fantasy genre with a toon style. It features a character name Swen who’s name can be changed by the player at the beginning of the game. Swen will have to embark on a great journey with some help from his guardian Bounda. A fallen guardian from the sky has fused with the person he/she sworn to protect. Now chaos has been let out in Swen’s world.

Tell me about the setting and the feel of the game?

The setting takes place in a vibrant and colorful world known as Valenia. Also, a few glimpses of Bounda’s unknown world Anaira. “Guardian” will give the player a feeling of adventure, curiosity, and a rush in battle. The game art will be beautiful.

How is the combat in the game?

The fighting in the game will have preset combinations like swinging your weapon left, right, vertical, down. If you press the attack button once there is only one attack action. Press multiple times and this will give you more attacks with Swen’s sword. There will be more special sword attacks. You will also be able to have 3 items/weapons equipped at a time. This does not include your sword but does for shields. So be careful what you equip. Player can target enemies.

Who do I play as?

The main character is Swen and you control his role in the game. Which is the hero.


Yes the game will have scrolling text and possibly voice dialogue. The player will be able to pick 1-3 choices to reply back with. Does Swen talk? Not literally but he does through the choices you make. He does have sound effects though.

How are the camera controls?

The game includes a button that will give u a fast switch between camera views. Ex. 3rd person view to first person view. Camera view will adjust to enemies that are targeted. Use the mouse to use the rotating view or simply don’t press any buttons for a minute to auto switch to rotating view.
What are the main features in the game? You know the cool stuff?

The team would really like to focus on the gameplay, story, and all the cool places, items, or weapons to discovered. The main sword can be altered many times (shapes of blades) which will give that certain sword an effect like extra damage, fire, ice, more magic, and more. How about getting to name your sword? Tired of using your sword and want to shoot something with a bow? maybe a blow gun? Well switch to first person and fire away! Selling treasure. Reading books to find short stories or VALUABLE information. Don’t forget the easter eggs… There will be more features listed in the future.

If you would like to help please go to this link : http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/112777-Looking-for-all-talent.

Skype: CaseySWilliams52

email : BoundlessgameStudios@gmail.com or kcwilliams52@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.boundlessgamestudios.com/ Come by the site, register and tell us what you would like in the game, also see videos, pictures, talk about the game, or ask to be on Team Boundless.

Thanks for reading.

The first two models are not finished. Blonde will have blonde eyebrows, legs will be a little skinnier, and a few other changes.

New Spider Model.

I think this is a good start, keep up the good work!


Need someone to model a cow really bad.

New pond

new video

I really like how you guys are doing :slight_smile: This is going to be a really awesome learning experience for you all, and hopefully you can come out of the end with something nice! keep it up, you have my support.

Thank you charlie

Bump. New pictures

The toon shading is a nice touch.

I am looking at these images and realized I have some free tree models that totally would fit this art style.

Redirecting... - That’s the link to the models…look for the tab on the left hand side of the page called 3D Models (Download Link). I’m not saying this to get more likes, I have enough as it is, but I think these assets can really help your game!

Aw thank you so much James. This will be a great help for us. Could we use the flower pack to?


new picture and model

evil model

small update on terrain pictures. Big update coming soon.

new video of spider animation

new picctures

web player

updated webplayer