GUI animated menus

Is there any programs or scripts out there that anyone know’s of that can make animated GUI interfaces like with animated menus, click on a button and the new screen slides or fades in something like that. Preferably in the Javascript language.

Thank you
Durante Productions.

The tweening engine LeanTween (free) has some good animating options for GUI elements.

Here is an example of scaling a button on click:

private var bRect:LTRect = new LTRect( 0, 0, 100, 50 );
function OnGUI(){
 if(GUI.Button(bRect.rect, “Scale”)){
  LeanTween.scale( bRect, Vector2(bRect.rect.width, bRect.rect.height) * 1.3, 0.25, {"ease":LeanTween.easeOutQuad} );

Also here is an article that gives more advanced examples.

Take a look at the scripts in the community wiki.