GUI Bloodsplat Screen

I have a Bloodsplat gameobject /GUITexture/. And I want it to appear, and quickly disappear with fading out the alpha when applying damage. What’s wrong with my script?

var BloodSplat : GameObject;
var FadingTime : float = 1.5;

function Start () {

    BloodSplat.guiTexture.color.a = 126;


function ApplyDamage (Damage : float){

    BloodSplat.guiTexture.color.a = Mathf.Lerp(126, 0, FadingTime);
    yield WaitForSeconds(FadingTime);
    BloodSplat.guiTexture.color.a = 126;


Internally (in code) all colors and alphas are from 0-1. For example, (1, 0.5, 0) is orange. So change the 126’s to 0.5.