GUI.Box position RELATIVE to GUI group

Is it possible to position a GUI element inside the GUI group relative to IT’s position?
Like we can position it relative to screen. e.g.: Screen.width/2
Can be something done with an element inside a GUI group? e.g.:

GUI.Box(new Rect(BeginGroup.width/2, BeginGroup.height/2, 100, 100), "");

…or something to this effect.

The “cleaniest” way is to wrap GUI.BeginGroup / GUI.EndGroup with your own functions and remember the rectangles passed. This way you can calculate the “current group width”.

Wrapping these functions is never a bad idea, it will come in handy when you try to debug group mismatches and other hazzles you will have with the old OnGUI()

If you don’t want to do that yourself, you can access an hidden function from Unity via Reflection:

Vector2 GetCurrentGUIGroupWidthHeight()
    Type t = System.Type.GetType("UnityEngine.GUIClip, UnityEngine");
    Rect r = (Rect)t.GetProperty("topmostRect").GetValue(null, null);
    return new Vector2(r.width, r.height);

Although… if you are just new to Unity GUI, do yourself a favour and download Unity 4.6 RC1 and use the new Unity UI. Much easier.