GUI.Button("german umlauts like ") missing

My skin uses "courier new" which has german umlauts. But when I use GUI.Button("Fttern") it supresses the "" and shows "Fttern".

Is there a way to set the GUI to utf8 encoding?

The GUI system does support UTF8. There is two places where this may fail.

  1. The font texture needs to include the characters. Make sure the font importer is set to Unicode, so it imports all characters into the texture.

  2. It looks like you are trying to use the GUI with a string hard-coded in a script. In that case, make sure the script itself is saved as UTF-8 or UTF-16. Other encodings will not work.

The Solution was in UniSciTE Menu File > Encoding > UTF-8 with BOM

BTW: I work under Windows.

I really wonder why utf-8 is not the default in UniSciTE.

Thanks for your help - it works now! :)