GUI.depth factors

Are there any other factors that control the depth of GUI elements? I currently have a few GUI.Windows in my scene, and one window is always showing above other windows even though its depth is far below the others.

I have the same setup in other scenes, with the same exact GUI.depth settings and its working fine.

I would like to note that group of windows that are being drawn over are all grouped together in the same script. The window drawing over said group is in a separate script.


GUI.Window sorting happens differently from other GUI areas, and as you've discovered, it ignores GUI.depth. The only way you can sort GUI.Windows from a script is by using GUI.BringWindowToFront() and GUI.BringWindowToBack(). If you need to sort all of your windows, you would have to keep track of their unique IDs and call one of these functions on all of them in order.