GUI displaying an older version of text when playing

Hi there, I’m having an issue that I can only assume it’s some sort of bug, that when I edit the GUI text of an element on my scene it displays it correctly when I’m in the game tab, but if I press play to see it in game it shows whatever text I had written before.

Lets say I used to have: “score” but now want it to have “BANANAS”. I write it down in the inspector and everything looks fine in the “game tab”, but then I press play and it displays “score” instead.

Anyone has any idea what is going on here?

Much appreciated!

Hi, my guess would be either the game is running while you edit and the text reverts to its original value, or you have a script somewhere that replaces the value at run time.

Duh! obviously it’s the script thing. Thanks for the help! sometimes we just get complete tunnel vision -.-

You’re welcome. Coffee break helps with tunnel vision issues, try it :stuck_out_tongue: