GUI Does not contain Definition for "Button"

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUI : MonoBehaviour {

	void OnGUI () {
		// Make a background box
		GUI.Box(new Rect(10,10,100,90), "Loader Menu");

		// Make the first button. If it is pressed, Application.Loadlevel (1) will be executed
		if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,40,80,20), "Start The Game")) {

		// Make the second button.
		if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,70,80,20), "Quit?")) {

The Editor I use instead of MonoDevelope is Notepad++

Name your custom GUI class something else, like MyGUI - When you’re calling GUI.Button it’s looking your class, which doesn’t have a definition for the static method Button.

If you want to keep your defined GUI class, and yet able to use Unity’s GUI, then you have to explicitly call GUI.Button like UnityEngine.GUI.Button - That way, you’re telling it which GUI class to use.

I’d just name my class a different name.